Parents and Emergency Contacts will be listed as authorized to pick up. If you would like to list anyone else to pick up your child, please call or email our Registrar.
This code will be used to verify your identity if you call to add someone to the pick-up list.
YAA Summer Camp will operate inside a private space inside the Broward Mall, located at 8000 W. Broward Blvd., Plantation, FL 33388. All camp classrooms are closed to the public while camp is in operation. Campers will visit the museum, Regal Theatre on movie day, and designated shops on shopping day.
Safety of every child in our care is our utmost concern. To reduce the spread of any illness, we follow Local, State, DCF and CDC precautions and guidelines. Your child will be sent home if (s)he exhibits any of the following symptoms: high fever (100°F or higher), body chills, vomiting, diarrhea, severe cough, difficulty breathing, unexplained rash, or other unexplained symptoms that causes your child discomfort and may be contagious to others. IF YOUR CHILD SHOWS ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS YOU WILL BE CONTACTED AND THE CHILD MUST BE PICKED UP FROM CAMP WITHIN 30 MINUTES BY A PARENT OR EMERGENCY CONTACT. THE CHILD WILL BE KEPT ISOLATED WITH A STAFF MEMBER AS WE AWAIT PICK UP. IF AFTER 30 MINUTES YOUR CHILD HAS NOT BEEN PICKED UP, A LATE FEE OF $25 WILL CHARGED AS NONCOMPLIANCE TO THE PICK UP POLICY AND A HEALTH RISK TO YOUR CHILD AND OTHERS. Any child absent and/or sent home due to illness twice in one week will not be allowed to return without a doctor’s note and symptoms drastically reduced, from a provider who is not the parent of the child, with a clearance date of when they can return to camp. Children should not be medicated and sent to camp if they have any symptoms of discomfort or symptoms that may be contagious.
Refunds/credit will not be issued for days missed.
AGE REQUIREMENTS Children must turn the minimum age for the camp they are registered for, on or before the day on which the camp starts. All registered children that are 5 years old must email a copy of their Birth Certificate. Children will not be allowed to attend camp and no refund will be issued if a birth certificate is not provided one week prior to the first day of camp. All children must be fully potty trained. CHILDREN ARE GROUPED BY AGE AND GRADES. THE MUSEUM WILL NOT PROMISE THE PAIRING OF CAMPERS.
Camp will be provided on a first come first serve basis with registration no later than Friday at noon the week before camp begins. Registering in the middle of a session is not recommended as the child will miss out on lessons and parts of their project(s). Late registration will not be prorated or credited for the time missed. If registering more than one child, the first child must be registered at the full Member or Non-Member pricing of the camp at greater value, each additional child can be registered at the sibling discounted pricing. Discounts cannot be combined.
All Camps are sold on a weekly basis, unless otherwise specified. Space is limited and is on a first come first serve basis.
Walk-ins welcome to register when space is available and will be charged an additional $50 late registration fee.
PAYMENT All fees must be paid in full at time of registration. All transactions will be done remotely. Debit and credit cards are the only accepted forms of payment this summer. All payments are NON-REFUNDABLE including voluntary or mandatory withdrawal from camp. See transfer info below.
TRANSFER All Transfer requests must be submitted via email one week prior to the start date of the session. Transfer approval requires a $25.00 fee per child and will be made depending on space availability. Only one transfer request per family will be accepted. Payments are not transferable to anyone outside of the immediate family. Submit transfer requests to the Visitor Services office by emailing
ABSENCES/ CANCELLATIONS / NO SHOWS Absences, withdrawals, no-shows, or dismissals will not be eligible for refunds, transfers, or make-ups.
Requests for credits towards a future Class, Camp or Birthday program must be made in writing via email Requests must be received no later than two weeks prior to the first day of the program. All requests will be considered but not all requests may be granted.
Classes, camps, programs and workshops must have a minimum of 5 students per program, per session or day in order for the program to run. YAA will notify you as soon as possible if this enrollment is not met. Please register in advance of the beginning of the session as this will help determine camp/class enrollment early. If the camp/class does not run, you will be given the option to choose another program that fits your interest and schedule. If there are no other options then YAA will offer a credit to put towards the registration fee of another session. If YAA cancels a camp/class a refund will be issued for any remaining camps/classes, or registration fees can be applied to another camp/class.
Camp drop off will be at the camp location. A parent or authorized adult must park and walk the child to the camp location and sign the child into camp via Brightwheel. Drop off begins at 8:45am.
CAMPER PICK UP Camp pick-up will be at the camp location. Parents must park and go to the designated camp location to sign the child out of camp. If someone other than the parent is picking up then the parent must communicate who is picking up (include first and last name and relationship to the child) via Brightwheel app. ID must be presented prior to the child being signed out of camp. Campers will not be released to anyone without valid identification or proper contact from the parents.
LATE PICK-UP We allow a 15-minute grace period from 5 pm to 5:15 pm. Any student picked up between 5:15 pm-5:30 pm will be charged a $25 late fee. After 5:30 pm a full day rate of $65 will be charged. If payment has not been received by the last day of camp, payment will be automatically charged to your account.
I authorize Young At Art Museum to take photographs of my child/children and their artwork for marketing purposes. I give permission for these pictures to be used in the museum’s printed materials, including advertisements, brochures, flyers, website, and social media. If you do not wish for your child to be photographed, please ensure your child receives a RED “No Photo” wristband upon sign-in each day. If you do not wish for your child to be photographed, please check “NO” in the box above.
ANTI-BULLYING POLICY Young At Art Museum has a zero-tolerance policy for bullying. Young At Art is committed to protecting its campers, staff, and volunteers from bullying, harassment, or discrimination for any reason and of any type. Young At Art believes that all campers, staff, and volunteers, are entitled to a safe, equitable, and harassment-free camp experience. Bullying, harassment, or discrimination will not be tolerated and shall just cause disciplinary action. Bullying is defined as systematically and chronically inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress on one or more students, employees, or volunteers. It is further defined as unwanted purposeful written, verbal, nonverbal, or physical behavior, including but not limited to any threatening, insulting, cyber-bullying, or dehumanizing gesture, that has the potential to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment or cause long term damage; cause discomfort or humiliation, or unreasonably interfere with the individual’s performance or participation, is carried out repeatedly and is often characterized by an imbalance of power. Bullying may involve, but is not limited to: unwanted teasing, threatening, intimidating, stalking, cyberstalking, cyberbullying, physical violence, theft, sexual, religious, or racial harassment, public humiliation, destruction of the museum or personal property, social exclusion, including incitement and/or coercion, rumor or spreading of falsehoods.
Young At Art Museum, and its programs, are a safe place for children and families. Safety includes physical and emotional well-being. In order to maintain a safe camp environment, we require each child to also keep it safe by following camp rules which include, but are not limited to: keeping hands and feet to themselves, walking, staying with their teachers and groups, using inside voices, respecting themselves, peers, teachers, volunteers, artwork, and exhibits. If your child exhibits ongoing safety concerns including elopes/ runs away, physical aggression, or requires on-going one-to-one support the child will be dismissed from the program and the parent asked to pick up the child.
When children choose not to follow any of these rules, the following is put in place:
1st offense – Verbal warning to the camper
2nd offense – Consequences for their actions (possibly missing out on activities) and parent notification via the phone or in-person
3rd offense – Parent notification via phone, written notice, or in person by the Camp Director or teacher
4th offense – Possible suspension or expulsion from Young At Art’s Summer Program
Any action committed by a child that could or does result in injury to themselves, other campers, volunteers, or staff will result in immediate expulsion from Young At Art’s Summer Program. No refunds are given if the child is dismissed due to behavior issues.
CAMP INCLUSIONS Young At Art Museum (YAA) collaborates with the University of Miami and Nova Southeastern University Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (UM- NSU CARD) Our utmost priority is your child’s safety and enjoyment in our classes and camps. YAA staff currently provide the following support: breaks, visual support, adaptive tools, as well as reasonable individualized accommodations. Since YAA is not a structured therapeutic environment, we welcome participants to bring their own therapist, companion, or behavioral support (behavioral support pets, at this time, are not permitted). Parents must sign a safety waiver alongside their registration. If your child exhibits ongoing safety concerns including elopes/ runs away, physical aggression, or requires ongoing one-to-one support the child will be dismissed from the program and the parent asked to pick up the child.
INJURIES/ACCIDENTS If your child is injured while in camp, our staff will provide basic first aid. Depending on the severity of the injury, you may be contacted by phone or message in our parent communication app. An incident report will be filed in your child’s records. If your child has a bathroom accident that requires a change of clothes, you will be called to either bring a change of clothes or pick up your child.
MEDICAL EMERGENCY In the event of an extreme medical emergency, Young At Art staff will contact emergency medical personnel and will then contact the child’s parent or guardian. Based on the medical personnel’s assessment, your child may be transported to a local hospital to receive further medical attention. Requests to alter this policy must be made in writing to the Camp Director. Emergency Medical personnel will not honor requests to bring children to specific hospitals, doctors, or medical establishments.
MEDICATION FORM If your child needs to take daily medication for a chronic condition during camp hours please fill out a MEDICATION FORM. You can obtain a medication form from the Visitors Service office. Please pack all medication(s) in a sealed Ziploc bag, clearly labeled with your child’s name, age, medication, teacher name, dosage, and time to deliver, along with a dosage cup. Medications will be stored in the office. Children should not be medicated and sent to camp if they are running a fever, have aches and pains, chills, headaches, gastrointestinal issues, etc. Children will be sent home if these and other symptoms highlighted in the SICK POLICY develop in the day.
Personal items brought by campers often cause unnecessary distraction and conflict with others. This can be avoided if the following items are left at home: cell phones & electronic devices (ie tablets, mobile gaming devices), toys, cards, and money*, etc. *Money can be brought on designated “shopping days”. YAA is not responsible for the loss or damage of these items.
Food must be provided by the parent/guardian. Campers are required to bring a healthy lunch, a minimum of (2) snacks, and 2 drinks. There will be a morning snack time, mid-day lunch time, and afternoon snack time.
CAMP EQUIPMENT The replacement value of any equipment damaged or broken by your child whether on or off-site, including but not limited to iPads, computers, cameras, etc. will be charged to your account. The payment must be paid in full before the end of your child’s session. Deposits for loaner equipment including but not limited to iPads and cameras are fully refundable if the equipment is brought back in the same condition in which it was received. If equipment is damaged or not returned the deposit will not be refunded.
IMMUNIZATION All children attending camp must be fully immunized. By signing/ checking the box below I am stating that all children named on this registration are immunized and are current on the well child screenings.
I have read and understood the above camp policies and agree to adhere to all policies as stated.